Insert Copyright Symbol in Excel

You must have seen the Copyright symbol (©) in many places. Having this symbol signifies the legal protection of an original work.

It’s commonly used for books and artwork, and sometimes, you may also want to put it in your Excel worksheet (in case of a template or dashboard).

Let me show you some easy ways to insert the Copyright symbol in Excel.

Insert Copyright Symbol in Excel

Below are some details about the Copyright symbol in Excel.

Details / MethodsDescription
Symbol NameCopyright Symbol
Manually TypingType (c) followed by a space character
Keyboard ShortcutALT + 0169
Symbol Dialog BoxChoose ‘Latin-1 Supplement’ subset, then find and insert the Copyright symbol.
Character MapSearch for copyright and Copy and paste in Excel

Manully Type the Copyright Symbol

Excel already has an inbuilt shortcode that you can use to quickly get the copyright symbol in a cell.

To use this, enter the following text in a cell (manually type it; don’t copy-paste), followed by a space character:


When you manually enter this in a cell and then hit the spacebar key on your keyboard it would instantly convert this into a copyright symbol.

Manually type and insert the copyright symbol in a cell in Excel
Also read: Insert Registered Trademark Symbol in Excel

Copy and Paste the Copyright Symbol into Excel

As always, you can copy and paste the copyright symbol from any other Excel workbook, Word document, or web page on the Internet.

Below, I am providing the copyright symbol that you can copy and paste into a cell in Excel.


Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Copyright Symbol in Excel

If you are more of a keyboard shortcut person, you can use the keyboard shortcut below to get the copyright symbol in a cell in Excel.

ALT + 0169

To use this shortcut, select a cell or get into the edit mode in a cell where you want the symbol, then hold the ALT key and press the 0, 1, 6, and 9 keys one after the other.

Now, when you leave the ALT key, it will insert the copyright symbol in the cell.

Note: To use the above keyboard shortcut, use the numeric keypad on your keyboard. Also, ensure that the num lock is on. If you do not have a numeric keypad, you won’t be able to use this shortcut

Also read: Insert X-Bar Symbol in Excel

Formula to Get the Copyright Symbol

You can use the below formula to get the copyright symbol in a cell in Excel:


Enter this formula in any cell, and as soon as you hit the Enter key, it will give you the copyright symbol as the result.

CHAR Formula to insert the copyright symbol in Excel

You can also combine this formula with the text in some other cell or enter the text manually in a cell to get the copyright symbol along with it.

For example, if I have the text “My Work” in cell A1, and I want to show a copyright symbol after it, I can use the below formula:

=A1&" "&CHAR(169)

These formulas also work in Google Sheets.

Inserting Copyright Symbol Using the Symbol Dialog Box

Below are the steps you can use to insert the Copyright symbol using the Symbol dialog box:

  1. Select the cell where you want the symbol.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the ribbon.
Click on the insert tab to get the copyright symbol
  1. Click on the Symbol icon to open the Symbol dialog box.
Click on the symbol icon in Symbols group
  1. In the Subset drop-down, choose the ‘Latin-1 Supplement’ option.
Select the Latin Supplement option in Subset
  1. Find the copyright symbol and double-click it (or select and click on the Insert button).
Select the Copyright symbol in the symbol box

The above steps would insert the copyright symbol in the selected cell

You can also use the keyboard shortcut ALT + N + U to open the Symbol dialog box

Using the Character Map App in Windows

Character Map is a Windows app that can be used to find and insert the copyright symbol anywhere in any app in Windows (including MS Excel).

Below are the steps to use the Character Map to insert the copyright symbol in Excel:

  1. Open the Character Map app (you can search for it in the Windows search).
search and Open character map app
  1. Check the Advanced View option to get some additional options.
  2. In the Search field, type ‘copyright’ and press enter.
Search for the copyright symbol in the character map Search field
  1. Locate and double-click on the copyright symbol.
  2. Click on the Copy button to copy the symbol to the clipboard.
Copy the copyright symbol by using the copy button
  1. Paste it into an Excel cell.

In this article, I covered some easy ways to enter the copyright symbol in a cell in Excel quickly.

I hope you found this article helpful.

If you know of any other method to insert the Copyright symbol in Excel or you have any feedback on any of the methods I have written, do let me know in the comments section.

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Picture of Sumit Bansal
Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.


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