200+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

There is no shortcut to success. Well.. there is when it comes to Excel.

If you want to be a lot more efficient in using Excel, I recommend you learn about some of the shortcuts and start using them as a part of your daily work.

You don’t need to know all the shortcuts (of course!), but it would be a big time saver to learn some to-do things you need to do daily/weekly.

Here is a list of 200+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that will save you tons of time.

Workbook Related Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Create a new blank WorkbookCtrl + N⌘ + N
Displays the Open Dialog box to Open/Find a fileCtrl + O⌘ + O
Saves the Workbook with its current file name, location, and file typeCtrl + S⌘ + S
Opens the Save As dialog boxF12⌘ + ⇧ + S
Opens the Print Preview WindowCtrl + F2⌘ + P
Maximize or Restore Selected Workbook WindowCtrl + F10
Minimize WorkbookCtrl + F9
Switch to the Next WorkbookCtrl + Tab
Switch to the Previous WorkbookCtrl + Shift + Tab
Close Current WorkbookALT + F4

Excel Cell Editing Shortcut

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Edit Active CellF2
Start a New Line in the Same CellALT + ENTER
Select One Character on the Right of the CursorSHIFT →
Select One Character on the Left of the CursorSHIFT ←
Jump one Word on the Right of the CursorCtrl →
Jump one Word on the Left of the CursorCtrl ←
Select one Word on the Right of the CursorCtrl Shift →
Select one Word on the Left of the CursorCtrl Shift ←
Delete One Character on the Left of the CursorBackspace
Delete One Character on the Right of the CursorDelete
Delete to the End of the line (from the cursor)Ctrl + Delete
Cancel EntryEsc

Navigation Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Move One Cell Up
Move One Cell Down
Move One Cell to the Right
Move One Cell to the Left
Down One ScreenPageDown
Up One ScreenPageUp
Move One Screen to the RightAlt + PageDown
Move One Screen to the LeftAlt + PageUp
Move to the Right Edge of the Data RegionCtrl →
Move to the Left Edge of Data RegionCtrl ←
Move to the Bottom edge of the data regionCtrl ↓
Move to the Top Edge of Data RegionCtrl ↑
Move to the Bottom-right used Cell in the WorksheetCtrl + End
Go to the First Cell in the Current RegionCtrl + Home
Move to the Beginning of the RowHome
Move to Next WorksheetCtrl + PageDown
Move to the Previous WorksheetCtrl + PageUp

General Excel Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Opens HelpF1
Repeats the last command or actionCtrl + Y
Repeats the Last ActionF4
UndoCtrl + Z
Spell CheckF7
Apply Data FilterCtrl + Shift + L
Activate Filter (when the cell with filter is selected)Alt + ↓
Display Go To Dialog BoxF5
Display Go To Dialog BoxCtrl + G
Recalculate All WorkbooksF9
Calculate Active WorksheetShift + F9
Display the Print MenuCtrl + P
Turn On End ModeEnd

Cut, Copy, and Paste Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Copy Selected CellsCtrl + C
Cut Selected CellsCtrl + X
Paste Content from the ClipboardCtrl + V
Copy Formula from the Cell AboveCtrl + ‘
Copy Value from the Cell AboveCtrl + SHIFT + ‘
Display Paste Special Dialog BoxCtrl + Alt + V

Data Entry Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Enter and Move DownEnter
Enter and Remain on the Same CellControl + Enter
Enter and Move UpShift + Enter
Enter and Move rightTab
Enter and Move LeftShift + Tab
Enter Same Data in All Selected CellsControl + Enter
Display AutoComplete listAlt + ↓
Fill DownCtrl + D
Fill RightCtrl + R
Insert Current DateCtrl + ;
Insert Current TimeCtrl + Shift + ;
Start a New Line in the Same CellAlt + Enter
Cancel Cell EntryESC

Clear Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Clear EverythingAlt + H + E + A
Clear Formats OnlyAlt + H + E + F
Clear Content OnlyAlt + H + E + C
Clear Hyperlinks OnlyAlt + H + E + L
Clear Comments OnlyAlt + H + E + M

Selection Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Select the Current Region / Select AllCtrl + A
Select Visible Cells in the Current RegionAlt + ;
Select the Current Region Around the Active CellCtrl + Shift + *
Select Entire RowShift + Space
Select Entire ColumnCtrl + Space
Select All Cells that Contain CommentsCtrl + Shift + O
Select Row DifferencesCtrl + \
Select Column DifferencesCtrl + Shift + |
Select Direct PrecedentsCtrl + [
Select all PrecedentsCtrl + Shift + {
Select Direct DependentsCtrl + ]
Select all DependentsCtrl + Shift + }

Extending the Selection Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Extend Selection to the Right by One CellShift + →
Extend Selection to the Left by One CellShift + ←
Extend Selection Upwards by One CellShift + ↑
Extend Selection Downwards by One CellShift + ↓
Extend the Selection to the Right till the Last CellCtrl + Shift + →
Extend the Selection to the Left till the Last CellCtrl + Shift + ←
Extend the Selection Upwards to the Last CellCtrl + Shift + ↑
Extend Selection Upwards by One ScreenShift + PageUp
Extend Selection Downwards by One ScreenShift + PageDown
Extend Selection to the Right by One ScreenALT + Shift + PageUp
Extend Selection to the Left by One ScreenALT + Shift + PageDown
Extend Selection to the Start of the RowShift + Home
Extend Selection to First Cell in the WorksheetCtrl + Shift + Home
Extend Selection to the Last Cell in the WorksheetCtrl + Shift + End
Toggle Extend Selection ModeF8

Alignment Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Align Content to the Center of the CellAlt + H + A + C
Align Content to the Left of the CellAlt + H + A + L
Align Content to the Right of the CellAlt + H + A + R
Align Content to the Middle of the CellAlt + H + A + M

Hide/Unhide (Rows, Columns, Objects) Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Hide Selected RowsCtrl + 9
Hide Selected ColumnsCtrl + 0
Unhide Hidden Rows in SelectionCtrl + Shift + 9
Unhide Hidden Columns in SelectionCtrl + Shift + 0
Show/Hide ObjectsCtrl + 6

Insert Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Insert New Line in the Same CellAlt + Enter
Insert New WorksheetShift + F11
Insert Row/Cell (shows a dialog box)Ctrl + Shift + =
Insert Current DateCtrl + ;
Insert Current TimeCtrl + Shift + ;
Insert TableCtrl + T
Insert HyperlinkCtrl + K
Insert Argument Names into FormulaCtrl + Shift + A
Insert/Edit Cell CommentShift + F2
Delete Row/Cell (shows the dialog box)Ctrl –

Formatting Shortcuts in Excel

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Make Text BoldCtrl + B
Make Text ItalicsCtrl + I
Place outline Border around the Selected CellsCtrl + Shift + 7
Remove Outline BorderCtrl + Shift + _
Underline TextCtrl + U
Apply Strikethrough FormatCtrl + 5
Apply IndentAlt H 6
Remove IndentAlt H 5
Increase Font Size by One StepAlt H F G
Decrease Font Size by One StepAlt H F K
Apply the Number format with Two Decimal Places, Thousands Separator, and a Minus Sign for Negative ValuesCtrl + Shift + !
Apply the Date format with the Day, Month, and YearCtrl + Shift + #
Apply the Currency Format with Two Decimal PlacesCtrl + Shift + $
Apply the Percentage Format with No Decimal PlacesCtrl + Shift + %
Apply the Time format with the Hour and Minute, and indicate AM or PMCtrl + Shift + @
Apply the General Number FormatCtrl + Shift + ~
Apply the Exponential FormatCtrl + Shift + ^
Displays the Format Style Dialog BoxAlt + ‘
Displays the Format Cells Dialog BoxCtrl + 1
Displays the Font Dialog BoxShift + Ctrl + F
Also read: How to Describe Excel Skills in a Resume?

Excel Formula-Related Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Insert Autosum FormulaAlt + =
While Typing a Formula, Switches Cell Reference from Absolute to RelativeF4
Expand/Collapse Formula BarCtrl + Shift + U
Display the Insert Function Dialog BoxShift + F3
Enter a Formula as an Array FormulaCtrl + Shift + Enter
Evaluate Part of the FormulaF9
Select the Array Containing the Active CellCTRL + /
Select All Cells Directly or Indirectly Referenced by Formulas in the SelectionCTRL + [
Select Cells that Contain Formulas that Directly or Indirectly Reference the Active CellCTRL + ]
Toggle Value/Formula displayCtrl + `
Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all the open workbooksCtrl + Alt + Shift + F9

Find and Replace Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Display Find and Replace Dialog Box (Find Selected)Ctrl + F
Display Find and Replace Dialog Box (Replace Selected)Ctrl + H
Find Next MatchShift + F4
Find the Previous MatchCtrl + Shift + F4

Conditional Formatting Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Open Conditional Formatting Dialog BoxAlt O D
Clear Conditional from Selected CellsAlt H L C S
Clear Conditional from the Entire WorksheetAlt H L C E

Charting Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Inserts Chart in the Worksheet (using the selected data)Alt + F1
Inserts a ChartSheet with a Chart (using the selected data)F11

Drag (Mouse) Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Drag and Copy the selected cellsCtrl + Drag
Drag and Cut the selected cellsDrag
Duplicate WorksheetCtrl + Drag
Switch Position of Cells/Rows/ColumnsShift + Drag

Named Ranges Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Get a List of All Defined Named RangesF3
Create Named Range from SelectionCtrl + Shift + F3
Define Name Dialog BoxCtrl + F3

Pivot Table Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Display Insert Pivot Table Dialog BoxAlt + N + V
Open Pivot Table WizardAlt + D + P
Select Entire Pivot Table (excluding Report Filters)Ctrl + A
Add/Remove Checkmark for Selected Field in PivotTable Field ListSpace
Group Selected Pivot Table ItemsAlt + Shift + →
UnGroup Pivot Table ItemsAlt + Shift + ←
Select the Next Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List
Select a Previous Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List
Select Last Visible Item in ListEnd
Select First Visible Item in ListHome
Open Field List for Active CellAlt + ↓
Hide Selected Item or FieldCtrl + –
Opens Calculated Field dialog box (when the data field is selected)Shift + Ctrl + =
Opens Calculated Item Dialog box (when field heading cell is Selected)Shift + Ctrl + =

Others Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Restore Window SizeCtrl + F5
Move WindowCtrl + F7
Resize WindowCtrl + F8
Previous WindowCtrl + Shift + F6
Next PaneF6
Previous PaneF8
Extend ModeShift + F10
Display Shortcut MenuShift + F6
Turns On the Add to Selection ModeShift + F8

VBA Shortcuts

What it Does?Windows Shortcut
Opens the VBA Editor and also switches between Excel Worksheet and the VBA editorAlt + F11
Open VB HelpF1
View Object BrowserF2
View PropertiesF4
View Code windowF7
View Immediate windowCtrl + G
View Shortcut MenuShift + F10
Run a Sub/UserFormF5
Step Into the codeF8
Step OverShift + F8
Step OutCtrl + Shift + F8
Run to CursorCtrl + F8
Toggle BreakpointF9
Clear All BreakpointsCtrl + F9
Close VBA Editor and Return to the Excel WorksheetAlt + Q

Useful Excel Resources:

Picture of Sumit Bansal
Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of trumpexcel.com and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.

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