[Reader’s Question] How to Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel

One of my readers Donna sent me this query.

She did some scoring in Excel and created Harvey balls using conditional formatting. She wanted to display the Harvey Balls as well as the score together. She also wanted to increase the font size of the Harvey Balls only and not the font size of the score value.

Below is the image she sent me along with the query:

Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - Query

The first thought that came to my mind was to selectively increase the size of the Harvey Balls only. But I soon realized that’s not possible. Conditional formatting only changes the way a cell is displayed, not the content of the cells.

So here is what I suggested.

  • Create an additional column (to the right) with the same scores but without the Harvey Balls.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - additional column
  • Select the cells with the Harvey Balls and change the conditional formatting rule to show icons only.
    • To do this, select the cells that have Harvey Balls and go to Home –> Styles –> Conditional Formatting –> Manage Rules.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - Manage Rules
    • In the Manage Rules dialog box, select the icon set rule and click on Edit Rule.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - Edit Rule
    • In the Edit Formatting Rule dialog box, check the show Icon Only checkbox. This will hide the score and you will only see the Harvey balls. Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - show icon only
  • Change the font size of the Harvey balls only.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - Harvey Bubbles Size more
  • Align the score and the Harvey balls and apply an outside border. It will give an impression that this is one single cell.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - align
  • Select all the cells (in both the columns) and apply the conditional formatting for the background color.Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel - background conditional formatting

Click here to download the Example File.

This was my solution for Donna.

Do you think there are any more ways to get this done?

Let me know in the comments section. It will help Donna out and we all can learn from each other.

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Sumit Bansal
Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of trumpexcel.com and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.

3 thoughts on “[Reader’s Question] How to Increase Size of Harvey Balls in Excel”

  1. Change the cell font to the desired size for the Harvey Ball and set effects at subscript. You will be stuck with a fixed proportion between the two elements, but it can remain in one cell.


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