How to Create Dynamic Labels in Excel Scroll Bar

I often use scroll bars in an Excel dashboard, which gives a user the freedom to change its values and play with the data. If you have multiple scroll bars in your dashboards, it is helpful to display the current value of each scroll bar.

Something as shown below:

Excel Scroll Bar - Dymaic Label in Slider

The idea is to display the value right next to the Excel scroll bar, rather than having it somewhere in the back-end. This way the user can play with the data more effectively.

How to Create Dynamic Labels in Excel Scroll Bar
  1. Create an Excel scroll bar [Learn how to create an Excel scroll bar].
  2. Format the linked cell to display the desired format. In this case, I have formatted the cells to show a number as a percentage (1 as 1%, 2 as 2%…).
  3. Go to the cell that is linked to the scroll bar and hit Control + C (copy).
  4. Go to Home –> Clipboard –> Paste –> Linked Picture.

Excel Scroll Bar - Paste as a Linked Picture

  1. This will create an image of the cell. This image will update itself when the value in the cell changes.
  2. Position the Image just above the scroll bar. Repeat Step 3 to 6 for every scroll bar linked cell.
  3. That’s it!! You will have a dynamic label for your excel scroll bar.

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Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.

4 thoughts on “How to Create Dynamic Labels in Excel Scroll Bar”

  1. How did you format the linked cell to show a percentage? When i attempt to do this my percentages begin at 100%, 200%, 300% etc.


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