Exit Sub statement in VBA allows you to exit a subroutine at any point in the code.
As soon as your VBA code encounters an Exit Sub statement, it stops executing the rest of the code and brings it out of that subroutine.
In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Exit Sub statement and how to use it the right way in your VBA code.
This Tutorial Covers:
ToggleUsing Exit Sub Statement in VBA
To use the Exit Sub statement in VBA, simply enter the text Exit Sub in a new line in the code.
Below is an example:
Sub CheckInput()
Dim inputValue As Integer
inputValue = InputBox("Enter a number")
If inputValue < 0 Then
MsgBox "Negative numbers are not allowed!"
Exit Sub ' Exit sub if number is negative
End If
MsgBox "You entered: " & inputValue
End Sub
In the above code, I use an input box to ask the user for a number, and if the number is negative, Exit Sub is used to exit the subroutine.
While this is a very basic example, it gives you an idea that you can use Exit Sub with If conditions or Loops to make your code more efficient.
Note: If you want to use the Exit Sub functionality within a Function, you need to use Exit Function instead
Error Handling with Exit Sub in VBA
Exit Sub can be a useful tool for error-handling in your VBA codes.
You can use it in combination with On Error statements, where, as soon as your code encounters an error, it would be taken to the On Error statement, which can then be used to exit the subroutine.
Sub ErrorHandling()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Your code goes here
Exit Sub
' Handling the error
MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Sub
In the above VBA code, I have the On Error GoTo ErrorHandler statement followed by the code that I want to execute.
If the code runs without any error, Exit Sub is used to then exit from that subroutine. If there is an error, the code jumps to the ErrorHandler procedure and shows a message box.
Early Termination of Code with Exit Sub
Using Exit Sub can improve the performance of your code as it allows you to exit a subroutine if a specific condition is met.
Below is an example where Exit Sub allows us to exit the subroutine when a specific criterion is met, saving us time and processing that would otherwise have been used in going through the entire code:
Sub FindFirstNegativeCell()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If cell.Value < 0 Then
MsgBox "First negative value found in cell " & cell.Address
Exit Sub
End If
Next cell
MsgBox "No negative values found."
End Sub
The above code is used to find the first negative value in a range of cells and it uses Exit Sub to exit the code as soon as it finds the first negative value.
Exit Sub vs End Sub
While both Exit Sub and End Sub can be used to exit the subroutine, they are not the same.
Here are the differences:
Immediately exits the current subroutine | It can be used anywhere within the subroutine body |
Can be used anywhere within the subroutine body | Always placed at the very end of the subroutine |
Allows for conditional early termination of the subroutine | Execution reaches this point naturally if no Exit Sub is encountered |
Can appear multiple times in the same subroutine | Appears in a subroutine only once |
In this article, I covered everything you need to know about the VBA Exit Sub statement. I hope this article was useful.
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