Hide or Unhide Sheets Using VBA

When working with large workbooks with many worksheets, it’s common to hide some worksheets to make the workbook more manageable.

With VBA, you can easily hide or unhide worksheets in bulk. This can also be useful when you want to quickly hide or unhide specific worksheets without having to find and locate them from a long list.

In this article, I will show you some simple VBA codes to hide or unhide sheets in Excel.

Sheet.Visible Property in VBA

VBA has the Sheet.Visible property (or Worksheet.Visible property) that determines whether it would be visible or hidden for the user in the workbook.

Below is the line of code that would hide the sheet named ‘Example’ in the workbook in which the code is run:

Worksheets("Example").Visible = False

And here is the code that would unhide it (in case it is hidden):

Worksheets("Example").Visible = True

In this example, I have used Worksheets(“Example”), but you can use any sheet name, the active sheet, or even the Sheet object stored in a variable.

You can also use xlSheetHidden instead of True and xlSheetVisible instead of False. For example, the following code would also hide the sheet named Example Worksheets(“Example”).Visible = xlSheetHidden.

Note: You need to have at least one sheet visible in the workbook. If you try to hide the last visible sheet, VBA will give you the Runtime 1004 error.

VBA Codes to Hide Sheets

Below, I have some examples of VBA codes for hiding sheets in different situations.

Hide the Active Sheet

The below code will hide the active sheet:

Sub HideActiveSheet()

    ' Hide the currently active sheet
    ActiveSheet.Visible = False

End Sub

Remember that you always need to have one visible sheet in the workbook. So, if the active sheet is the only sheet in the workbook, this code will throw an error.

Also read: VBA Check IF Sheet Exists

Hide All Sheets Except the Active Sheet

Below is the code that will hide all the sheets except the active sheet.

Sub HideSheetsExceptActive()
Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then
            ws.Visible = False
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

The above code uses a For Each Next loop to go through each sheet, and then it checks the name of the sheet.

If the name of the sheet is not the same as that of the active sheet, it gets hidden.

Hide Sheets by Name

If you want to hide sheets by their names, you can do that using a VBA code as shown below:

Sub HideSheetByName()

    Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
    Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
    Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False

End Sub

In the above code, I specified the sheet name in double quotes and then used the Visible property of the sheet to set it to False to hide it.

In this case, I have hidden three sheets, and you can modify the code to hide more/less number of sheets.

Hide Sheets with a Specific Word in the Name

Below is the VBA code that hides only those sheets that have the word ‘Sales’ in the name:

Sub HideSheetswithSpecificWord()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If InStr(1, ws.Name, "Sales", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            ws.Visible = False
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

The above VBA macro loops through each worksheet in the workbook and checks whether the name contains the word Sales or not. This is done using the VBA INSTR function.

If the word Sales appears anywhere in the name of the sheet, that sheet would be hidden.

Hide Sheets Based on Cell Value

Below, the VBA code hides any sheet that has the text “Hide” in cell A1 of the sheet.

Sub HideSheetsBasedOnCellValue()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    ' Loop through each worksheet and hide if cell A1 has "Hide" in it
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

        If ws.Range("A1").Value = "Hide" Then
            ws.Visible = False
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

The above code loops through each worksheet in the workbook and then checks the value in cell A1 of each sheet.

If the text in cell A1 is “Hide”, then it will hide that sheet by setting the visible property of the sheet to False.

Hide Sheets Based on Tab Color

When I’m working with a large workbook, I often give color to my worksheet tabs to group similar sheets and to make them more manageable.

This is also easier for me when I’m presenting my work on calls, as I can direct them to a specific tab by mentioning the tab color.

Below is the VBA code you can use to hide all the sheets that have a specific tab color (where you need to specify the tab color):

Sub HideSheetsBasedOnTabColor()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim colorCriteria As Long

    ' Specify the RGB color to match. Example: RGB(255, 0, 0) for red
    colorCriteria = RGB(255, 0, 0)

    ' Loop through each worksheet, check color and hide
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Tab.Color = colorCriteria Then
            ws.Visible = False
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

In the above code, I have specified the color criteria as RGB(255, 0, 0), which refers to the red color.

The above code then loops through each worksheet in the workbook and checks the tab color. If the existing color of the worksheet matches the criteria in our code, then that sheet gets hidden.

If you want to hide all the sheets except the one that has a specific color, you can use a code similar to what I have below here:

Sub HideSheetsBasedOnTabColor()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim colorCriteria As Long

    ' Specify the RGB color to match. Example: RGB(255, 0, 0) for red
    colorCriteria = RGB(255, 0, 0)

    ' Loop through each worksheet, check color and hide
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Tab.Color <> colorCriteria Then
            ws.Visible = False
            ws.Visible = True
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

The above code goes through each worksheet in the workbook and checks the tab color.

It then uses an If Then Else statement to check the tab color. If the tab color is not red (RGB(255, 0, 0)), then the Visible property is set to False (thus hiding it); else, it is set to True (making the sheet visible).

Also read: Delete Sheet in Excel Using VBA

Make the Sheet Very Hidden (Cannot Be Unhidden by User)

VBA in Excel also allows you to make a sheet Very Hidden so that it cannot be unhidden by a user using the regular Excel interface.

This means that when you right-click on the sheet tab and then click on Unhide, you will not see the sheet name, and hence, you won’t be able to unhide it.

Below is the VB code that makes the sheet named Data very hidden:

Sub MakeSheetVeryHidden()

    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

End Sub

The above code sets the Visible property of the sheet to xlSheetVeryHidden.

This is different than all the other codes where we have been setting the visible property to False or xlSheetHidden.

When you make the sheet ‘very hidden’, you will have to use a VBA code or an option in the VB editor interface to unhide it (covered later in this article).

Also read: VBA Protect / Unprotect Sheet

Check If the Worksheet is Hidden

Before using VBA code to make changes to a worksheet, it might be useful to first check whether the worksheet is hidden or not.

Below is the VBA code that checks the visible property of the worksheet and shows a message box with a numeric value (corresponding to the sheet’s visible property):

Sub CheckIfWorksheetHidden()

    MsgBox Worksheets("Data").Visible

End Sub

This would show a message box with one of three values:

  • -1: The worksheet is visible.
  • 0: The worksheet is hidden but can be unhidden via the Excel interface.
  • 2: The worksheet is very hidden and cannot be unhidden via the Excel interface (only through VBA).

You can modify the code above to give you more meaningful text instead of numbers or use it as part of a larger code where the output of this line could then be used to decide what to do.

Also read: VBA Rename Sheet in Excel

VBA Codes to Unhide Sheets

And here are some example codes for unhiding sheets in different situations.

Unhide Sheets By Names

If you already know the name of the sheet that you want to unhide, you can use a code as shown below:

Sub UnhideSheetByName()

    Sheets("Data").Visible = True
    Sheets("Summary").Visible = True
    Sheets("Table").Visible = True

End Sub

In the above code, I used the sheet name and set the Visible property of that sheet to True to make it visible.

You can also use the code below, where instead of True, I use xlSheetVisible

Sub UnhideSheetByName()

    Sheets("Data").Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Sheets("Summary").Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Sheets("Table").Visible = xlSheetVisible

End Sub

Unhide All Hidden Sheets

The below VBA code goes through all the sheets in the workbook and makes them visible:

Sub UnhideAllSheets()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    ' Loop through each worksheet in the workbook
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        ' Unhide the sheet
        ws.Visible = True
    Next ws

End Sub

Unhide Sheets With Specific Words in the Name

Below, the VBA code would unhide all the sheets that have the word ‘Data’ in their name.

Sub UnhideSheetsContainingSpecificWord()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim wordCriteria As String

    ' Specify the word to look for in the sheet names
    wordCriteria = "Data"

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If InStr(1, ws.Name, wordCriteria, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        End If
    Next ws

End Sub

In the above code, I have used a variable wordCriteria to store the word that I am checking for in each sheet’s name.

It then goes through each worksheet and then uses the INSTR function to check whether the sheet name contains the word stored in the wordCriteria variable or not.

If it finds the name, it makes the sheet visible.

In this article, I’ve covered the concept of hiding and unhiding sheets in Excel using VBA and provided some simple code examples that you can use in various situations.

I hope you found this article useful. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of trumpexcel.com and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.


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