How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel

Inserting rows in Excel is one of the most basic stuff that we do almost everyday. And there are many ways to do this.

Now there could be various situations where you need to insert rows in Excel. For example, you may want to insert a single row, or multiple rows that are all together, or multiple rows that are not together.

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel

In this tutorial, you’ll learn four different ways to insert multiple rows in Excel.

  • Using Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • Using Insert Options.
  • Using Mouse + Keyboard (super trick).
  • Using Insert Copied Cells Option.

Method 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

You can insert multiple rows in Excel using more than one keyboard shortcut.

Here is the first one:

  • Select the cell above which you want to insert multiple rows in Excel.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcut - Select Cell
  • Press Shift + Space-bar to select the entire row.
    • You can also select the entire row by simply clicking on the row number on the extreme left.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcut - Select entire row
  • Once the entire row is selected, press Control and hit the plus key (+) from the numeric keypad.
    • If you don’t have the numeric keypad, press Control and Shift and plus key (+) on the regular keyboard.

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcuts

This will insert a single row right above the row that you selected.

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Control Plus

Once you have inserted a row, you can repeat the same action by using the F4 key.

To do this, just select the row above which you want to insert a row and press F4. Hitting the F4 just repeats the last action.

What if you want to insert multiple rows in Excel in one go?

In the above example, we saw how to insert one row using the keyboard shortcut. If you want to insert multiple rows at one go, you can easily do it with a slight twist.

Here is how to do it:

  • Select the number of rows that you want to insert. For example, if you want to insert 4 rows between Row #3 and #4, select four rows staring from Row #4.
    It does not matter if the rows have data or are empty. This technique works in all cases.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcut - Select four rows
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Control and Plus key (or Control and Shift and Plus key if you have a regular keyboard).How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcuts

This will automatically enter the same number of rows as you selected to begin with. So if you selected four rows, it will insert four rows above it (as shown below):

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - 4 rows

Here is another keyboard shortcut that you can use:

  • Hold the ALT key and Press I, followed by R.

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Alt IR

Method 2: Using Insert Option

You can also use the Insert functionality in Excel to insert multiple rows in Excel.

Here are the steps to use this:

  • Select the rows above which you want to insert the rows. For example, if you want to insert 4 rows between Row #3 and #4, select four rows staring from Row #4. Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Keyboard Shortcut - Select four rows
  • Within the selection, right click on the mouse. From the menu that appears, click on Insert.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Insert Menu

This will enter four rows above between Row #3 and #4 (as shown below):

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Insert options rows

Make sure you have selected the entire rows to do this. In case you only select the cells (and not the entire row), insert options open the Insert dialogue box. Then you need to select Entire row from the dialogue box and click OK (as shown below):

How to Insert Rows in Excel - Insert Dialogue Box

You can also use the Insert Option available in the Home Tab.To use it:

  • Select the rows above which you want to insert the rows.
  • Go to Home –> Cells –> Insert –> Insert Cells.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Insert Option in Ribbon

Method 3: Using Mouse + Keyboard Shortcut

This one is a super trick.

If you want to insert multiple rows above or below a row, here are the steps:

  • Select a row above or below which you want to insert rows.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Select Row mouse
  • You will notice a small green square at the end bottom right of the row number.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Green Square
  • Hover your mouse on that green square and press Control + Shift on your keyboard. You will notice that the mouse icon changes from a plus to a double line icon with arrow on both sides.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Double Arrow Icon

With the Control + Shift pressed on the keyboard, click the left mouse button and drag it down. It will insert as many rows as you cover by dragging it down. So, for example, if you drag it down by three rows, it will insert three rows below the one that you selected (as shown below):How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - dragYou can also insert rows above the selected row by simply dragging the mouse above the selected row (as shown below):

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Insert Rows Above

This is one of the best ways to quickly insert any number of rows.

Method 4: Using Insert Copied Cells Option

Another quick way to insert multiple rows in Excel is to copy a blank row and paste in where you want. Since you are copying a blank row, it would be the same as inserting a new row.

Here is how to do this:

  • Select a blank row and copy it.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Copy Row
  • Select the rows above which you want to insert the new rows. Select as many rows as you want to insert.
  • Right-click on the mouse and select Insert Copied Cells.How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Copy Row

This will insert rows above the rows that you selected (as shown below):

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel - Insert Copied Cells

These are four ways you can use to quickly insert multiple rows in Excel.

Did you find this tutorial useful? Are there any other techniques you use to insert multiple rows in Excel? Do share your thoughts in the comment sections.

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Hello there! I'm Sumit Bansal, founder of and an Excel MVP. I started this website in 2013 with a simple goal: to share my love for Excel through easy to follow tips, tutorials and videos. I'm here to help you get the best out of MS Excel to save time and boost your productivity.

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